Many users are complaining about Periscope´s search features, as you can´t look for keywords, hashtags, countries, and languages. We shouldn´t forget that Periscope is just 4 1/2 months old, and fortunately, heavily connected with Twitter. So, if you want to find the perfect broadcasters to subscribe to or to collaborate with (btw, here you can find a post on how to master collaborations on Periscope), the following workaround will help you.
Visit Twitter and use their search with the following formula:
- live #periscope “your keyword”
If you are, for example, broadcasting about fashion, you could enter “live #periscope fashion” which will display this result:
You will see the links to the broadcasts to watch their replays and their Twitter accounts to directly follow and tweet them a message.
Have fun with many interesting periscopers, who are really interesting for you and your business.