Three Powerful Tips to Keep Your Social Media Accounts Secured

One of the most important things in the online world that you should be dearly concerned about is security. And it doesn’t limit to just email or bank accounts; it also includes social media accounts that provide valuable, personal information. Furthermore, imagine if you use social media as part of your business, think about the … Read more

Why Prioritizing Great Customer Service Will Take You to Places

Excellent customer service has always been the key to success in any form of business. This is why it would be a shame to ignore and put it at the bottom of your social media marketing strategy list. To have a great tactic, your number one priority should be to satisfy your customers. If you’re … Read more

Social Media Hashtags – Best and Worst Practices

If you’ve been constantly reading my blog, you should be more than aware by now what social media hashtags are, and what they’re actually used for. But for those who don’t know, the simplest explanation for it is that it works as a category link in which every post using that particular hashtag will be … Read more

Why Influencer Marketing Is a Must for Your Business

To start, you should know what influencer marketing means. It is now defined as a method to use key individuals who are authoritative and influential over potential customers. This approach is different from traditional marketing where the brand directly engages with the audience and convinces them to purchase their product or service. Thanks to social … Read more

Trolls vs Upset Customers on Social Media

Running a business on social media as part of your strategy is by no means easy. Not only do you have to keep your customers satisfied, but you also have to deal with those who aren’t and those who just want to see you burn (internet trolls) – upsetting, right? I know great customer service … Read more

Why Personal Branding Is a Must Before Starting a Business

The very foundation of any business starts with the owner – or, in other words, you. If you think about it, customers never buy from the company (especially start-ups); they buy from the people of the company. They trust the individuals who run it. It’s a person that makes the transaction possible. And from that … Read more

Why Knowing Your Customers’ Needs Is a Priority

One of the biggest mistakes that most entrepreneurs make is not knowing exactly what their customers’ needs and wants. I know that some of you might just be eager in selling a product to earn money. But by ignoring what they want and need – even if it means modifying your product or somehow lowering … Read more

Why Social Media Marketing Is a Staple for Every Business

Marketing is a constantly evolving means or strategy to generate more customers for businesses. And one of those cornerstone evolutions is social media marketing (SMM). Not only does it allows you to get more exposure and potentially increase the number of clients, but also gets you connected with them in a surprisingly convenient manner. But… … Read more

Three Big Questions to Strengthen Your Social Media Strategy

As you all know, a well-planned social media strategy can significantly improve your business’ online presence and help you attain your goals. It’s a means to get your dreams become a reality and that is why you need to make sure it’s not some overnight plan. So, before launching up, and while you’re still on … Read more