How Should You Present Yourself During a Live Video Stream

A lot of you who wants to use Facebook Live, Periscope, or any other app that allows you to live stream are asking how you should represent yourself. So, let me provide you with some guidance as to how I do it myself. However, just take note that maybe, at least, 50% of what I’m … Read more

Top 13 Visual Content Marketing Facts in 2017

Nothing is more reassuring than numbers – as they say, numbers do not lie. That is why it’s imperative that when improving your business using visual content marketing through social media or by any means, you should know how effective they are and their chances of providing you engagement and conversion. If you think clear … Read more

Why You Can’t Ignore Weekends for Your Social Media Strategy

I get it; some of you hate working on weekends. And you might even say that the business you’re into is strictly formal. However, let me stop you right there and say, social media isn’t about what kind of business or niche you have – it’s about making a connection. Because of that, weekends are … Read more

The Real Reason Why Your Followers Stay With You

One of the biggest assets you truly have on social media isn’t actually your content, or your conversion rate, or even your profile presentation, but your followers. Yes, your followers are your most prized possessions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, or any other platform. That’s why it is more than crucial that you make them … Read more

Social Media in 2017 – What to Expect

Before anything else, social media has been created with one goal, to connect people. That has been the motto of almost every social media platform in different word structures with the same meaning. With that in mind, you can’t expect much of that foundation to change. But you can expect to see, perhaps, hundreds of … Read more

Why Freelancers Should Invest in Social Media

In my opinion, freelancing is still a form of business that requires exposure. Why do I say it’s business? First of all, freelancers don’t get employed; they sell services to a vast array of clients with a very limited attachment. So, their means of making money is by getting a lot of projects from a … Read more

The Elements That Make a Post Go Viral on Social Media

Have you ever seen a post on Facebook, Twitter, or any social media platform that has gone viral? Like, it has been shared by three or more friends? Just think about that, three or more of your friends online know about it – much more the world. Think about the owner of the post, the … Read more

Sharing the Same Content More Than Once on Social Media – Is It Ok?

For those who’ve been consistently following me on my social media accounts, you might have noticed that I, myself, repeat a few contents. Some people are actually skeptical about this method and some actually assume that it will hurt one’s reputation. So, is it really ok to use the same content more than on social … Read more

5 Things a Social Media Virtual Assistant Can Do for Your Business

If your business is currently expanding and things are way out of your control, it’s more a good plan to hire a social media virtual assistant to ease things up. Having someone to manage your social media profiles and its day-to-day activities will help you save time – a lot of it. Moreover, it is … Read more